Terms and conditions
of bookings - please read!
Payment agreement for schools, nurseries
events etc..
Payments can be made vis cash, cheque, or Bank transfer (details on the invoice) on the day of the work carried out or in advance. Unless other wise agreed via email or speaking to Angie on the phone prior to the visit.
Birthday's, Parties and celebrations booked privately
A non refundable deposit to be made to confirm your booking. If a deposit has not been received, you are not booked in!
The remaining balance is due on the day of the party via cash or bank transfer prior to the day. sorry No cheques are excepted for private bookings.
All parties must be indoors (what ever the weather)
Workshops/Mobile Zoos
Full payment is strictly on the day or prior to the arranged visit. Any cancellation made within 30 days of the planned visit the TOTAL cost of the booking will apply.
If the school is closed due to weather as long as the booking takes place within 30 days of the planned original booking no charge will occur.
Any over due accounts after ONE week after the planned visit, will occur a £25 administration cost and an invoice will be sent to you. £25 will be added and send via invoice every week until the balance has been settled.
Please understand I am a small business and cannot be continuously chasing payments for account not settled on time.
Please let me know if I require a Purchase order number for your account dept that need to go on the invoice to be paid. Please also give me the Purchase order number to put onto the invoice.
Hand Washing
All bookings are required to make sure there are hand washing facilities provided. Please supervise children if needed.
No Eating and Drinking while the animals are being handled until hands have been washed at the end.
Hand Gel
(Updated this T and C. 30/11/18)
DO NOT use gel and baby wipes in-between handling each animal as the chemicals will transfer onto there feathers, fur and skin. Please wait until the end.
I do carry hand gel with me and you are more than welcome to have some at your own risk at the end.
Hand gel is also provided at every Mobile zoo event again please help your self at your own risk. I am not or Angie's Animal Antics is not responsible for the ingredients/allergic reactions. You are more than welcome to read the label for ingredients etc..
Running on time-
I ask that all class room based encounters
if possible can be located in one room and swap the children around rather than me as it takes time to move around a school and keep packing up.
For parties - Please ensure you have asked your guests to arrive at least 15 mins before so, I can settle them down and start once set up.
Please give me the correct post code/road name of when you would like me to be if you think your venue is going to be hard to find please tell me and maybe give me some landmarks/directions. I do always ask for a contact number. please make sure your phone is turned on.
Lateness - I stress about time and will contact you if there is a problem, if there is an accident/hold up/ roadworks etc.. on the motorway and I am on it I cannot turn round! I will keep you as updated as I possibly can using my hands free. If I am late and I still attend and the service is still carried out full payment is expected.
I do have the traffic report on my car radio and an update on my sat nav but I am only human and drive a car not a helicopter!
All encounters are designed to be hands on, therefore I ask for no more than 30 children in a class room/school hall.
The room needs to be kept warm with any windows and doors closed at all times.
I expect a member of staff to be present at ALL times!
I would be grateful for multiple workshops to be based in the same room for the duration of the visit as moving all the animals in-between every workshop is very disruptive.
Parking Schools/Parties
Please provide me a parking space at your venue near the entrance as I will be carrying lots of animals! Suitable for a small van.
Mobile Zoos/Events
We require a sheltered covered area at all times. (We reserve the right to withdraw any of the animals and refuse to set up if this condition is not met and charge in full for the event) We require an electrical outlet at 230 volts, all of our electrical items are PAT tested.
Parking Events
Parking for a High roof, long wheel based van will be needed NEXT TO our display. We will need constant access to this and will be doing MANY trips back and forward and depending on the size of display allow 1 or 1 and a half hours for us to set up.
Please read though all above information and please remember animals DO NOT like loud music, party poppers, bouncy castles and Balloons that pop! please wait until the animals have gone!
Parties and celebration i ask for no more than 20 children.
I expect a parent/guardian to be present at all times and encourage parents to sit with the children especially if they are young and nervous or think they maybe disruptive!
I reserve the right to refuse to either start a workshop/party/event or continue if these terms and conditions are not adhered to or if I feel my animals are in ANY danger. My animal welfare comes first!
Winter Weather!!
(New T and C added 30/11/18)
If I feel it would be dangerous to leave with the animals or they would be compromised by the bad weather I will contact you.
If you know your school/event is cancelled due to bad weather please let me know as soon as possible. I don't like getting to a school and finding it closed and no one has informed me and you will still be charged!
If your school is closed as long as you inform me rebook for a date we can both do there is no problem.
(New T and C updated 30/11/18)
I welcome schools/ parties/ nurseries to take lots of wonderful photos on the day I visit. Please make sure YOU have consent for this!
If at a private party please be aware some people don't want to be on social media or there children. I do not have any reasonability for this.
If Angie's Animal Antics do not receive any correspondence once making the booking after 7 days about these Terms and conditions in writing via email
These terms and conditions will apply.
Every customer is aware I have T'c and C's and where to find them.